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Pomona: News Archive (2004)

Tuesday 16 November 2004

Sad to report but production difficulties have forced us to put back the publication of Barry Hines' novels, The Price of Coal and Looks and Smiles. They will both now be available early in the New Year.

Tuesday 6 October 2004

Clancy Sigal, whose most spiffing book Zone of the Interior, is being published by Pomona early next year, has had another of his books republished this week. Weekend in Dinlock, detailing Clancy's period living in a Yorkshire pit village in the Fifties, has been reunited with the world via Figueroa Press in California. It includes a fascinating new foreword to the book which was originally published by Penguin in 1960. More details: www.figueroapress.com

Friday October 1 2004

Not being the brightest kids on the block, we failed to realise that because Bill Nelson's book is THREE times fatter than anything else we've published, it would cost three times as much to post. We realise now though! And three of us have enrolled at the local college to re-take our Maths O Levels too. So, from here on, in a valiant bid to actually make some profit so we can buy tea and scones, shoes for our kids etc, the new postal charges are: UK £2, Europe £4 and rest of the world £6. It's all logged into the order form page. Still, great value. Ask anyone.

Friday September 24 2004

Happy days. Copies of Bill Nelson's Diary of a Hyperdreamer have arrived at Pomona and will be mailed out today. So, if you've already placed an order, expect a large-ish package from your friendly postman/lady pretty soon. With a free CD, of course. Thanks for trusting us with your money upfront - it reaffirms our faith in human nature, the ability to trust, to believe in the intangible, stuff like that. And if you've not ordered a copy, start shopping.

Wednesday 8 September 2004

Bill Nelson's Diary of a Hyperdreamer is at the printers now and due for delivery to Pomona by Thursday 23 September. All pre-orders will be mailed immediately with a free CD from Pomona Sounds' back catalogue. The final page count is 614, the price £14.99. We decided in the end against including press cuttings and photos because it didn't work with the general feel of the book. Instead, we've included a selection of Bill's line drawings.
Bill has written a typically modest but fascinating foreword, and Kate Claughan, one of Pomona's editors, has written a piece from the perspective of someone who, until now, wasn't familiar with Bill's work. It gives an interesting lay-person's view of an artist so dedicated to his work. Quotes from Emi, Elliot and Elle are scattered through the text at various points - again providing a good insight into Bill.
Bill is about to tour and the book will be on sale at all venues. More details of Bill's activities on his official site: www.billnelson.co.uk

Tuesday 7 September 2004

Pomona's designer Christian Brett is to have some of his work shown at the Meta~Conceptually Right Gallery, 52 Roscoe Street, Liverpool from 17 to 19 September (12 noon-7pm). It is a joint show with Gee Vaucher, an original member of Crass. It is part of the Art Organisation's Meta~Conceptual Gathering under the banner of Liverpool Biennail. Copies of Crass' book Love Songs will be available at the gallery along with Gee's Animal Rites. Both titles are also available to order on-line here.

Friday 3 September 2004

Ray Gosling's Sum Total has been reviewed in today's Daily Express. Reviewer Duncan Fallowell dubs it, 'Eerie and hypnotic.' Too right.

It just gets better. And betterer. We are proud beyond the rainbow to announce that we've signed a two-book deal with our old pal Hunter Davies following the success of The Fan, which we published last November.

Mean With Money, based on his columns in The Sunday Times' Money section and expanded with extra material, is due next spring, followed later in the year by The Second Half, a further anthology of Davies' football writing.

Another legend among football writers, Fred Eyre, is also to be published by Pomona. His classic autobiography, Kicked Into Touch, hailed by The Observer as, 'Far and away the funniest and most revealing book about football ever,' will be available in spring 2005, completely revised and expanded. It has sold more than a million copies during its lifetime but has been out of print for some time.

All go here at Pomona - two more wonderful books confirmed and under production, namely Clancy Sigal's Zone of the Interior and Andrew Martin's Northside. Sigal is the Chicago-born writer who hit the UK bang in the middle of the Sixties and hung out with all manner of groovy New Left folk. Zone of the Interior is a dense, funny, fast novel about an eccentric psychiatrist (thought widely to be based on RD Laing) and his LSD-chomping patient. It has never been available in the UK before. Northside, meanwhile, is a collection of brilliantly wry pieces by the New Statesman columnist Andrew Martin, about all things northern (trains, people, pubs). Each of them beautifully written, passionate and never ever condescending. He's from York, he knows about these things.

Pomona has secured the rights to re-publish two seminal British novels by master wordsmith, Barry Hines, he of Kes fame and legendary skill and humility. They are The Price of Coal and Looks and Smiles, two absolute gems from Hines' back catalogue. They will be available in October 2004 with new covers, forewords etc.

Both Love Songs by Crass and Footnote* by Boff Whalley will be available soon in the United States via a deal we've done with AK Distribution out there. In the meantime, all Pomona books are available via this web-site.

We've had some rather fetching Pomona bookmarks printed, hundreds of the little blighters. If you'd like two or three please send a s.a.e to us (our postal address is on the home page). Christian Brett has designed it, so it's beautiful, of course.

Black September's wonderful new album You Can Do Anything If You Set Your Mind To It is in the shops from Monday 23 February. Swedish up and coming electronica act Differnet have assembled an amazing version of Why Are Churches Shaped Like Rockets. It will be available as a download very soon.

We now have the facility to hear samples of Pomona Sounds releases on the site. Take a listen, it'll make you happy.

Unfortunately, Christopher Barker's book has gone back now until Spring 2005. It'll be worth the wait. An excerpt from it is on line now.

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