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Fred Eyre - Kicked Into Touch

Kicked Into Touch

Fred Eyre

Pub: April 2005
ISBN 1-904590-12-8

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FRED EYRE'S SPORTING LIFE BEGAN FULL OF promise when he became Manchester City's first ever apprentice. He never made their first team. In fact, he seldom made anyone's first team. Injuries played a part but limited talent was the greater curse. As he plummeted down the leagues he had something few footballers possess: a stud-sharp memory and an ability to write humorously about the sport he loves.

Originally published in 1981, Kicked Into Touch has become an enigma - selling more than a million copies yet still retaining cult status within the sport and among fans. This new version has been completely revised, extended and updated with a new cover and set of photographs included.

It is set to reach a new generation of football fans looking for an antidote to the glib reportage of a sport lost to show business.

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