Pomona Publishing House and Record Label  
Pomona Publishing House and Record Label
Sat July 27th 2024 

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Sleevenotes - Bob Stanley Joe Thompson - Sleevenotes Mark Lanegan - Sleevenotes


Bob Stanley

Pub: May 2019
ISBN 978-1-904590-33-0


Joe Thompson

Pub: September 2019
ISBN 978-1-904590-35-4


Mark Lanegan

Pub: November 2019
ISBN 978-1-904590-36-1




Sleevenotes - David Gedge    


David Gedge

Pub: August 2019
ISBN 978-1-904590-34-7



Pomona online store

In the Sleevenotes Series of books, musicians choose favourite tracks from their back catalogue and provide telling insights into their creation, meaning or mood... often, all three.


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